For us with the "all in or nothing at all" kind of mindset, it's sometimes difficult to make extensive life changes. Before, I used to bounce between these two extremes constantly. If I decided to pick up a new habit, I would be on it on overdrive until I got enough of it, and then switch back to the nothing mode. The worst part was, that because of my lack of self-discipline I even did that with things that were important and meaningful to me. It has taken time, multiple times of failing and getting back up, for me to realise how life resembles so much more a giant ship than a supersonic jet. It takes time to change the course and it's part of the process that some frustration might come up (remember Titanic?? Turn, ship, TURN!).
As the inspiring Denzel Washington says it:
"Dreams without goals remain dreams and ultimately fuel disappointment. Between goals and achievement are discipline and consistency."
For me to learn consistency, I first had to internalize patience. Good things might happen overnight, but the best things usually tend to take time, at least that has been the case for me. Consistency basically means not giving up. Another way to explain the word is how consistent you are with getting up after you've fallen right on your face. I learned that I can't be too hard on myself. If I kick myself after every mistake, I'll end up fearing failure, which only paralyses all creativity and keeps from ever achieving anything. Dealing correctly with those disappointments is at least as important, if not even more, as reaching the moments of success.
If you're one of the people who made a list of New Years resolutions and have already strayed from your course towards them, don't let it depress you. You might be looking at your calendar thinking it's almost March and you aren't even close to starting on your list, but don't beat yourself up. Time is our most valuable possession and it's too precious to be wasted on regrets. Choose the top priorities from your list (if you're anything like me, your list will be way too long and better suited for a lifetime than a year) and don't stop working on them. Even if a month goes by without you doing anything about it, don't be afraid to get back on track and give it your best. Every time you choose to try again, brushing off the failures, sincerely examining what you did wrong last time and focusing on what you could do better, you'll end up growing. Sooner or later you'll find yourself thriving in areas that seemed impossible before. Like I said, this is no quick fix, minimum work, get it for free kind of program. This is all about building character. And that's what the ultimate goal of life really is.
Photos by Adriana Dobrin
Sweatshirt: Zara
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Boots: Wonders
Bag: Zara
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