I'm glad to introduce you to my new blog subject: (w)healthy wednesdays! As the title suggests, health is the core of these posts and I wanted to add a little w to it, since I think health is our wealth. My journey has been quite a colourful one, especially because I've been such an all or nothing girl. Health to me is not just a diet or dress size, but my approach to it is more holistic. I don't count calories or deny myself every bit of fun and if you're a follower of my Instagram feed, you'll see that I'll take the freedom of going with the moment at times. But I think we have been blessed with such magnificent bodies that taking care of it should be common sense. Personally I didn't understand that until I learned to value myself from the inside out. I think that everything we believe on the inside naturally reflects on the outside and the way we treat ourselves exposes those beliefs. Because of our societies obsession on appearance, health is often linked with looking a certain way and that being the sole motivation for making any changes. I honestly don't think that those kind of exterior motivators can build a wholesome foundation for big lifestyle changes and quite frankly, they rarely fuel enough to make those changes permanent (unless you're incredibly self-disciplined or somewhat obsessed). Being healthy is not some quick fix, super diet, loose 10kg in a week kind of foolishness. I don't have all the answers, I'm not a "professional" and I don't want to make it seem like I am. I just want to invite you to be part of my journey of pursuing health and share about what has worked for me, what makes me passionate about this subject and why I think we all should highly value it.
My posts are going to vary from my thoughts on nutrition to stress and everything in between, also working through it on a deeper lever than just the general how-tos. I eat a gluten and dairy free diet (which I am going to go into further detail in upcoming posts) because that's what works best for me right now. So today I wanted to share my favourite breakfast recipe. I'm not a chef, which you'll come to notice, and I promise you that all the recipe's I'll share are going to be simple enough for anyone to prepare, with this one falling perfectly into that category.
In english this is called overnight-oats but the Finnish translation works better with my recipe, which is fresh-porridge (tuorepuuro), because instead of letting it soak overnight I make it in the morning and let it prepare for however long it takes me to get ready. My mother taught me this trick long before all the raw-food hype, because she never liked the traditional cooked oat porridge, and I've been a fan ever since (thanks Mami:)). The best part of it is, that you can spice it up exactly the way you like. Fresh berries, fruit, seeds, nuts, cocoa nibs and powders all work great and the list of add-ons is endless. The oats and chia seeds create the perfect base, but if your not a fan of chia seeds or don't have them at hand, you can make this with just oats as well. In upcoming posts I'm also going to explain more about subjects like super foods, why I eat them and if they're even necessary.
This is the version I'm currently obsessing about:
0,5 dl (1/4 cup) Oats
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds
1 Tbsp Rice Protein Powder (chocolate flavoured)
1 Tbsp Bee Pollen
1,5 dl (2/3 cup) milk (I use rice, oat or almond milk)
Mix all the dry ingredients in the cup, pour the milk and let the oats and chia seeds absorb the fluid until it's the consistency you like (for me 15min does the trick). Enjoy!
I hope you'll find (w)healthy wednesdays just as exciting as I feel about writing them! If you're left with any questions or thoughts you want to share, feel free to comment below :)
Mun kommentti tais hävitä jonnekin perämetsään :D just tänään aamulla tuskailin mun perusaamupalojen kanssa, kun ne tulee jo korvista ulos. Halusin jonkun "uuden" puuron aamuihin ja tässä onkin hyvä ohje siihen! Kiitos vinkistä, menee heti testiin! :)
(Toivon ettei se eka kommentti nyt palaudu sieltä perämetsästä ettei tätä samaa tekstiä nyt ole täällä moneen kertaan)
Tää blogger on välillä niin hölmö, että hävittää kommentteja, mut ei hätää, tuli vain yhden kerran! :) Mä rakastan aamupalaa ja se on mulle yks lempparihetkiä päivässä, jos saa rauhassa siitä nauttia. Mehiläisen siitepölystä on tullu mulle ihan lemppari, ku se lisää vähän makeutta! Kiva kuulla, et inspas :)