
Music Mondays

I believe love is more than just an emotion, some passing feeling that comes and goes as it pleases. It is more than a word, easily dropped at any given moment. I believe love is the reason for our existence. The more I come to understand about this life, the more I am convinced that we have been created for love, to be loved, to love. I've seen it heal the incurable, pierce through the unbreakable and dissolve the greatest darkness. I believe the greatest quest for a person is to learn how to love, how to be loved and to search out what love is, in it's deepest and most powerful form. I've been hurt, beaten down, abandoned and rejected. I've felt the absence of love and the bitter pain it brings, but through it all, through every circumstance I have faced, love has never failed. 

Tina Dico's Someone You Love is what brings all of these thoughts to my mind. For me the thing that sets apart a great song from good ones is when I feel the music instead of just hearing it. Those are the songs that I'll come back to over and over, because it almost feels like it's lyrics and melodies just keep on giving and opening up by every play. And this, my dear reader, is one of the greats.


Ps. Kiitti Nepu 

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