
Time To Be

Summer has finally arrived and I got the perfect hot red shirt to accompany it. There's something about the heat that makes my inspiration flow so much sweeter. I guess I was made for the tropics.

This Michael Kors bag is exactly the right size to fit all my treasures for a busy day but still being conveniently small.

My layering has changed from clothes to jewellery. I could just wear it all at once.

Aaaand here we go again! These past months have been quiet on the outside but busy on the inside. I was in California and New York City for 3 weeks all in all and I have to say it was not an easy trip to leave behind. It seems like every time I visit the US, I loose another piece of my heart and I don't know if there's much left anymore…

I'm going to be honest here. I've started to write this blog a thousand times and deleted it as many. My heart has been overflowing with thoughts but none of them have sounded quite right in their written form. Maybe they haven't been ready for the daylight, maybe I'll keep them marinating a little longer and they'll come out bursting with incredible flavour. Or maybe my inner perfectionist has come out roaring.. But to break the silence, here I am!

I just finished the Master Cleanse last week and I have to say it did good to me. For those of you who haven't heard of it or all you have heard is about a quick fix to loose weight, let me fill you in a little. The reason I started was my never-ending-upset-stomach-syndrome. Through trial and error I've learned that my digestion can't handle gluten or dairy very well. But because I am a lover of food, I've talked my self into having a little treat every now and then by the excuse that a little can't hurt anyone. Oh how wrong I was. After ending up at daily cramps and the face of a teenager (food allergies can cause all kinds of skin disorders) I was ready to do whatever to calm. things. down. 
A few friends recommended the Master Cleanse and at the hight of my frustration, I took on the challenge. Ten days of no solid food, only homemade juice consisting of maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water (all organic of course). Not forgetting the cup of detox tea in the evenings and a nice saltwater flush in the mornings. Going to birthday parties, BBQ get togethers and weddings wasn't necessarily easy, but now talking from the other side, it was all worth it. My skin cleared up and most importantly, me and Mrs. Digestion are at peace again!

I also took the time to slow down. It felt like not only my body, but also my soul and spirit needed some detox. It felt good not having a phone (it broke half way through), being out of everyone's reach and free from the distractions of social media. I was forced to process through stuff I had been putting off for quite a while. Pushing through the inconvenient and uncomfortable seems to never have a right time, but it needs to be taken or else we begin to shut down. Body, soul or spirit. 

In our hectic, achiever centred lifestyle it can seem irrelevant to really stop and nurture oneself. But when we understand how truly wonderfully we are made and a what a gift life really is, being might turn into something more important (and productive) than doing…


Photos by Adriana Dobrin
Shirt: Madewell
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: H&M
Bag: Michael Kors

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