
Music Mondays

I don't know how many years I wasted trying to be something else than what I was. It seemed that there was always someone more gifted, smarter, prettier or talented than me. I guess it's part of growing up, looking up to people and imitating their ways in the search of the "right way to be", whatever that means to each individual. But in the process I began to despise who I was, fighting the walls of my existence, feeling like it was a prison and I was sentenced for life. 
It took years of healing from insecurities that finally began to create cracks in those brick walls and once and for all bust them, just so I could find out that I wasn't in a prison after all. It was more like a dreamy castle, but I had locked myself up in the darkest corner by my own actions. Instead of exploring the rooms of my identity, roaming the gardens of my heart and in the end just loving who I was made to be, I hadn't even looked through any of it. I had been like that ungrateful child who didn't want to open a gift, because the package didn't seem big enough.

Getting to know oneself is a lifelong journey, since we are created to evolve and grow constantly. Having a healthy relationship with yourself is the key to experiencing health in all other areas of life. It is also the key to unlocking the treasures that are placed only in your heart. Not understanding that, detesting what you've been given and disregarding it as not good enough, will deprive the world of the wonders only you can release to this world. 

My dear friend introduced me to this song (I had quickly heard it on the radio, but never really listened to it) and it took me right to the core of all of this. Her raw voice combined with this ingenious music video, moved my heart and gave me some epic goosebumps. Mostly because it's something original and unique...something no one else could deliver the same way. 

I hope it inspires you like it did me, to go search the castle of your heart and find the riches hidden all over.


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