The reason I post Music Mondays is because I think music is probably the most natural version of the supernatural, all art is. Many of the greatest songwriters tell how in their process of creating music, the inspiration and ideas come from somewhere, like downloads into their minds. Whatever you believe in, I think music, and all creativity, is proof of something greater than just the visible and physical world that we experience with our five senses. It speaks of something magical and majestic that can only be experienced with our hearts.
I've been listening to Coldplay's Ghost Stories on repeat for a long time now and it really is my favourite of their production. The moment I heard it, beginning to end, it had a different feel to it than all the previous ones, even though I've loved all their albums. Chris Martin has said in multiple interviews how on this album he was very honest and vulnerable with his lyrics and I think that exactly shines through and can be felt even all the way here in still pretty cold Finland. I've said this before, but it's the rawness and realness a person puts into music, that sets it apart from the rest. It's the substance that moves people, changes atmospheres and inspires, more than any fancy melodies, thought through lyrics or perfect techniques (even though all of those play important parts in great music). Even though I have many favourites on this album, today I picked "A Sky Full Of Stars" because it made cry from pure joy. That doesn't happen too often, so this is a really special song to me. It's actually quite different from the rest of the songs on the album, with it's up-tempo, EDM kind of feel. Chris Martin shared that even though the album seems to be a heart-break story, it still turns into a hopeful statement of unconditional love and to me this song is a celebration of that.
If this song doesn't make you ball like it did me, I'm pretty sure it'll get you on your feet dancing. Because life's just too beautiful to not to.
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