
Black and White

A black and white outfit never goes out of style. I love to make statements with bold colours and prints, but I always come back to these basics.

Wearing some tall boots and a warm knit or leather jacket are great ways to make a summery dress more suitable for fall.

I don't only like the classiness and structure of black and white in fashion, but it also used to be the way I  perceived this world. Categorising and putting everything in a box was what I did with my surroundings and it felt safe to believe that everything had a clear explanation behind it. There was only  yes and no, good and bad, black and white. It wasn't until I got to experience real love that all the different shades started to appear and the lines became softer. I'm not talking about some gooey rom-com love with Ryan Gosling as the "male lead" (no offence Ryan, I'm pretty confident that all girls think you're doing a great job), but love that is willing to sacrifice, compromise, that doesn't look for it's own interests and never gives up, even when shit hits the fan. It melted away my judgemental attitude and showed me the beauty in the imperfections and "grey shades". I learned to take off my lenses of criticism and look at people as who they truly are and not at everything they are lacking. Applying that to myself was maybe one of the toughest tasks. It is scary to let go of old ways of thinking, because of the safety and feeling of control it might bring. But opening up to love and choosing to be graceful to others and yourself is something that will make a difference in your life. 


Photos by Adriana Dobrin
Dress: Mango
Leather Biker Jacket: Zara
Knit: COS
Tote: Rizzo
Boots: New York


  1. Kaunis Suvi!<3 Onnea uudelle blogillesi! :)

  2. Ihanan simppeli pohja ja upeita kuvia! :) ja paljon onnea blogitaipaleelle multakin :)t.Ellu

  3. Apua toi vika kuva. Oot niin maailman upein nainen <3

    1. No huh huh Sharon...kiitos! Oli kans upea kuvaaja :)

  4. Looking chic ;) Mahtava alku blogille. Tulen seuraamaan!

    xoxo Gozika

  5. Pakko sanoa, että oot kirjottanut tosi ihanasti. Oon ite paininu mielessäni samanlaisten asioitten kanssa ja huomaan, että oma elämä helpottuu huomattavasi ku oppii olee toisille vähä armollisempi eikä vaadi muilta ja itseltään aina täydellistä suoritusta. Se on tosi tärkeetä mut välillä myös tosi haastavaa yrittää keskittyy niihin positiivisiin asioihin niitten negatiivisten sijasta!

    Sait just yhen uuden innokkaan seuraajan blogillesi!

    terkuin Iida Järvenpäästä :)

    1. Tosi kiva kuulla et tykkäsit! Tää on varmasti semmonen elämän mittanen prosessi, varsinkin jos tuppaa olemaan yhtään perfektionismia veressä! Mutta pienin askelin pääsee pitkänki matkan, kunhan suunta on eteenpäin :)

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