I still remember the moment I discovered these jeans at London's Selfridges. They spike up any outfit and give the perfect roughness a cozy sweater like this needs.

My Acne booties have been my go to item this past season and I can't wait to pair them with dresses and shorts once the weather finally warms up.
This past week I've thought a lot about fear. I was walking home in a horrible snow/slush storm when suddenly this thought pierced my mind… I don't have to be afraid of anything.
Why do we fear?
We've reduced fear to a natural and even healthy feeling of self protection that our ancestors needed to stay alive, but I've found it plenty of times more paralysing and limiting than in any way helpful. It has fed on my peace, eaten my confidence and consumed my joy. For some reason I've believed that there is something good in being afraid.
Rational fear keeps us alive, is what I've been taught. I need it, so that I won't put my hand into a hot oven or walk alone late in a dangerous neighbourhood. But why do I need fear as the motivator? Aren't we "evolved" enough to take care of ourselves, without using fear as motivation? What I've also noticed is, that when I let fear into my life in one way, it's not satisfied with just a small part, but wants to grow and slowly, but surely, take over. Leaving me stressed out and afraid for the most ridiculous reasons.
The thought of not having to be afraid has been a "truth" in my life for a long time, but it didn't become reality until that moment when it traveled from my mind to my heart. I'm not saying that I was somehow liberated of fear altogether, but I got grace to choose to not to be afraid on a whole new level. It became a personal truth, a part of me, instead of something externally learned.
Even though there are solid reasons to be afraid, I'd like to suggest that a huge part of our fears are not protecting but rather preventing us, from taking those risks that lead us to our dreams and eventually, living life to the fullest. Giving up fear also means giving up control. It's letting go of the things that are out of my hands (in the end the only thing I can control is myself!) and trusting that my life is truly governed by someone greater.
Letting go of fear is not an easy task, but it is rewarding. I've purposefully gone after the things that have intimidated and scared me in the past. In the end, I've only discovered greater levels of freedom as my fears have turned into actual strengths and what used to hold me down turned into the very stepping stones to my destiny.
Photos by Adriana Dobrin
Sweatshirt: H&M
Jeans: Karen Millen
Boots: Acne