
Effective Rest

We are the generation whose Instagram feeds and Facebook pages are filled with motivational quotes, trying to inspire us to work harder, push through the pain and make things happen. In some ways I'm grateful for it because honestly, I'd rather be bombarded with encouragement than negative and depressing words. But we've all experienced that point where life isn't just that simple and hearing someone say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" makes you want to punch them in the face and ask if they still think that way. Last week was one of the heavier ones for me. I tried to follow all the rules and do the right things to get me out of that funk, but nothing seemed to work. The harder I tried to work and push through it, the more frustrated I became and everything I did, felt like running uphill and upwind. True success does take a lot of hard work and dedication, but what are the keys to being able to persevere when we're faced with physical and/or mental obstacles? 

I actually had to stop and take a moment to re-evaluate the situation. I noticed how I had been comparing myself to others and as a result, trying to make things happen like they did. It's good getting inspired by others and following the footsteps of those who have gone before us, but like my friend said it so well, we are like different trees and the growth process looks different for each of us. I've learned to nurture that quite inner voice and it had been telling me to stop and rest, but I was fighting it, because I was afraid. Somehow I thought that resting equaled giving up and I was too keen on doing the opposite. But when my frustration reached its peak, I was ready to surrender. Finally I took a day to recharge and meditate on truth and as I found my peace again, everything else began to flow from it. Even though this is a truth I've always known in my head, it took the experience for it to travel into my heart; one form of effectiveness is rest. If we continue on striving and toiling without taking the time to breathe and refocus our vision, we easily end up somewhere completely else than what was planned. I'm eager to run after my dreams and reach the stars, but most importantly I want my heart to prosper. What is it worth to have a fat bank account and success at your hand, when on the inside you're withering? Don't be afraid to listen to your heart, even if it takes you somewhere else than the "ten steps to being successful". Your life is worth more than money and your heart more precious than any riches.


Photos by Adriana Dobrin

Dress: Mango
Leather jacket: Zara
Booties: Zara
Cross body: Handcrafted in Argentina